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This is the list of the people in our class with the first letter of their last name beginning with .

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"S" Page
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Sams, Dale Erwin

Saunders, Dr.Charles Glenn

Schenck, Charles Barry

Schlesinger, Gerrol (Gerri) Lee

Schultz, Lee

Schwall, William George (BILL)

Seevers, Eric Lynn

Sharp, Eugenia Ann

Shaw, Sandra (Sandy) Geraldine

Shelton, Dr. Robert John (Bob)

Sheorn, Howard Blanton

Shipley, Judith Anne (Judy)

Shrader, Sharon Dale

Smith, Devera Lee

Smith, James Harold

Smith, Jerry Franklin

Smith, Joseph Allen

Sottong, Geoffrey Head

Souders, Sharon Marlene

Stangarone, Richard Joseph

Stanley, George Dabney

Stewart, Byron Dunn

Stoneburner, Wesley Harvey

Stratton, Maj. Thomas Lee

Stroble, Mary Ann

Swafford, Leslie Diana

Swafford, Sandra (Sandy)

Swift, Diane
"S" Page
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 I promise to look seriously at your suggestions and respond promptly...
 J Please come back and visit us again!!! J

Last Updated - 04/26/2024
Copyright � 1998-2024 Chattanooga High School Alumni Class of 1966